E. C. Morgan

A few views on writing, reading, literature and more specifically mystery fiction and my career.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Two great book quotes

There are many many great quotes from novels -- lines the characters use that make you laugh, cry or feel sorry for the other person.

Two of my favorite come from a children's author. I was reading something early this morning that reminded me.

I'm talking about Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective. You know, "Brown Detective Agency 13 Rover Avenue Leroy Brown President NO case too small 25 cents per day plus expenses". I loved those stories when I was little, and was reminded of two classic lines.

"I wouldn't believe him if he swore he was lying." -- Encyclopedia Brown

"You thieving, lying crook! You should be elected president so you can grant yourself a pardon." - Sally Kimball (From "The Case of Bug's Zebra") She is often Brown's "muscle" in the books.

Good stuff. Fun stuff.


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