E. C. Morgan

A few views on writing, reading, literature and more specifically mystery fiction and my career.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I mentioned my productivity during a very rare stop in at Starbucks recently.

Interestingly, on an e-mail list of mystery writers I belong too, a similar discussion of Starbucks -- really more writing outside the home -- emerged. It was quite interesting.

Then I ran across an interview with best-selling author Harlan Coben. The interview was conducted by London's Daily Telegraph in February, 2003.

Here's an excerpt about where Coben writes:

Coben says he doesn't like writing at home. "My house has too many distractions," he tells me. "There's the email. There's checking my Amazon ranking. I know I'm the only author who's ever done that, ever. There's the fax. Too many distractions. I like to go out and write. So I'll often go to a Starbucks or a local coffee bar, and I'll sit there and I'll write. I can write pretty much anywhere. I like new spots. I have my notebook right here." Coben picks up the notebook and the pen.

"If you'd taken more time to get here," he says, "I would have been bangin' out some thoughts."

Just thought it interesting.


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