E. C. Morgan

A few views on writing, reading, literature and more specifically mystery fiction and my career.

Friday, November 25, 2005

What I'm working on...


Got a couple of short stories out there making the rounds trying to find a home. I've fired one off to Alfred Hitchcock -- the largest mystery magazine in the world. It is my best story yet, so keep your fingers crossed.

At the moment, I'm hard at work on the novel "Death of a Bluesman" (working title). It is a Barnacle and Addison Carlysle story and is literally pouring onto the page at a rate of about 2,000 words per day.

I'm also working on revising two mystery short stories that I feel are quite good. I'm in the midst of writing an actual horror short story and something a bit more literary -- a coming of age story about a boy dealing with the death of a friend.

Busy times right now!


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