E. C. Morgan

A few views on writing, reading, literature and more specifically mystery fiction and my career.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Writing Instruments

Over the weekend I wrote a short story. It's an OK story, probably going to need some work before I can consider sending it out.

What is different is I wrote the story by hand.

And you know what?

I HATED doing that.

Most writers seem to wax poetic about switching from the keyboard to a handwritten manuscript, like there is somesort of magical connection between the brain, a hand, a pen and paper. Not for me.

The only thing I could think was "at some point you are going to have to type this thing up."

I grew up on keys. I wrote my first published article at at the age of 15 on a dedicated Brother word processor I purchased with birthday money (yes I'm a dork).

Yes, I can hand write a story. But was it magical? Hardly.


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