So, things have been hectic but are settling with the new job and should be more regular on my blog now.
Here's what's going on.
My short story Dohnut Shop was rejected by Alfred Hitchcock, but I've revised it and sent it back out. "Duly served" was also rejected, by Ellery Queen. I'll be doing revisions soon.
I am planning on attending one of two mystery writing conferences being held here in Texas this summer. I'll keep you posted.
I'm also back to work on book-length stuff. More to come on that.
Anyone read anything good lately? I just read The Nautical Chart by Arturo Reverte-Perez. VERY good stuff. Check it out. I also flew through Darkest Fear by Harlan Coben. Man, he's really got it going with his writing!
More soon -- I should be back to 3 times a week posts, so check back often!